Free SCJ Guided Meditation

Meditation for Daily Peace

FREE Guided Meditation for Daily Peace & Ease Manifesting

This Tidal Wave of Love Meditation is an invitation for you to remember who you are.

That your true nature is that of Love, Abundance, and Oneness with all that is.

We have been conditioned through years of programming that we are separate, that we are sinners, that we are unworthy, and that we are not enough. And nothing can be further from the TRUTH.

I see you in your suffering, I honor that perhaps that is what brought you here…

But are you ready and willing to let all the old stories go?

Are you ready to be reborn anew?

I want to remind you of your true essenceā€¦ peace, love, abundance, oneness with all so that together we can create Heaven on Earth.

Now is the time… Today is the day.

Start each morning with this 13-minute meditation and notice how your day is filled with ease and grace.

The more times you drop into this meditation/ this sacred space, the more you will be able to come back to it naturally when life throws you off course. Life is full of initiations: it is how you ride the waves of change that makes all the difference.

Be A Ripple in the Tidal Wave of Love.
Blessings of Gratitude!

Half of a mandala

What they say

In our busy two-dimensional world, we often don’t take time to stop and appreciate the promptings from the Sophia Dragon tribe that are always before us. Being part of the Sophia Circle Journey led by Keli was very grounding and rewarding because of the opportunity to connect at the Heart level with My Soul Sisters
Naomi D.